Wednesday, September 4, 2019

so, big business is in town soon. are they actually any good, though?

when were they here last? last year? i can't remember, exactly, but i remember that, the last time we went through this, i decided they were a little too cock-rock for my tastes, and without many redeeming qualities. contrary to the popular misconception, which appears to have been constructed by sheer idiots, i actually have a pretty strong aversion to rock music that originates in the male gonad area. maybe it's because i'm not particularly interested in compensating, but it just leaves me bored. i digress.

the thing is that there's enough of an intersection here with adrenaline-driven noise rock that i may find some reason to go, if i listen to it a few times. i doubt it, though; this is a stretch for me, from first principles, and something i would, under most scenarios, actually prefer to avoid. it's only very loosely peeking into my sphere of interest.

i'm at track five, and, in fact, pretty bored by it. but, we'll let it run.

if i don't comment further, you can be pretty sure it's a no.