Saturday, August 23, 2014

yeah, no. the cat's jealous. that's easy to see.

i suppose the eagle must be able to comprehend that eating your cat would piss you off, and it doesn't seem to want to do that. that's not a game i'd play too long.

Stan “Overlord” Unseld
"the cat's jealous. that's easy to see" is that even possible... its a fucking cat. i seen a few of her videos an it seems the cat an bird gets along it is odd to say the least but cool.

as moderately advanced mammals, cats have relatively complex brains and a nervous system that makes use of all kinds of hormones. there's absolutely no question that they feel emotions whatsoever.

i think the mental block is probably in not realizing that "jealousy" is a very concrete and well understood chemical reaction, rather than something abstract that exists in some cloud.

Stan “Overlord” Unseld
or they could just enjoy being around each other... lol whatever the case you seem smart as hell... an why death to koalas?

the perverse, revolting cuteness of koalas must be obliterated, before it destroys us all.

Stan “Overlord” Unseld
Well in the words of Obama....: We will degrade, and ultimately destroy the koala terrorist group to protect our great nation.

again, i feel that you are belittling a concern of prime importance. we must declare a war against koalas before they smother our freedoms away from us.

i take no pleasure in their destruction, but it is a war that must be waged, a task that must be accomplished.

look at them in their eucalyptus trees, lazy and drunk, while the rest of us toil away. is it their fault? did god them make so? satan, perhaps! it is truly despicable. we cannot tolerate this.

they must be annihilated. but, i fear the collective will to destroy them is not present, and this peril that we face has no end point but our own destruction.

...unless we act quickly, decisively and with minimal compassion.

please heed these words without scorn. the future of our galaxy depends upon it.

Stan “Overlord” Unseld
I am in no way belittling your concerns... or should I say OUR concerns. Koalas are extremely cute hell their irresponsibly cute thus I concur we must wage war on them to remove them from OUR planet because they pollute our planet with intolerable cuteness an this my friend must be stopped. I have known many wars an I believed my time of fighting was over but the overwhelming disgusting cuteness of those koalas had forced me to take up my sword an rage once again. I do not know if I will return but that is the life of a soldier...I do this not because it is easy but because it is hard. 

FOOL! do you think that koalas may be destroyed with the blow of your sword, or with the shot of a pistol? such a weak creature would not pose us such a threat. you will be devoured by the minions they control, sacrificed, and used as compost for their sacred eucalyptus. do not waste yourself with such follies.

we require a strategic coming together, an industrial project of great magnitude that will produce a great weapon: renewable energy. it is only through a great mastery of physics that they may be truly abolished.

time is running out.

Stan “Overlord” Unseld
I do indeed understand that me an the brave men that follow me are marching to our death...but the koala are moving to fast and if i do not act now they will overrun us before the "great weapon" is complete..but that's not the only reason i go..yes we will die an in our deaths we shall become that many more shall join our great cause...

martyrs shall not save us. i'm not getting through....

yeah eating her cat would piss her off probably, but I don't think she would dare hurt a bald eagle, hell I don't think anyone would except for those damn poachers.
