Friday, March 22, 2019

so, consider the 2013 night birds release, born to die in suburbia, for example.

the record was released on june 2, 2013 but it is in my july pile because the files i have are dated to july 9th. i actually first mention it in my blog on oct 10th, as i'm catching up on some things i wasn't paying attention to over the summer.

so, there will be (at least) three posts for this.

1) a june 2nd post, indicating it's release date. this post will eventually be a mirror of the page at the appspot site, which will both house a review of the record and link out to what i call the music web. the entire music web will be mirrored here at the blogspot dtk site, and this will replace the more awkward timeline i currently have at the appspot site. i will be pulling data down more regularly to ensure i can reconstruct if necessary.

2)  the oct 10th post.

3) when i do a review of this record one day, it will also be posted in the correct space in chronological time.

i hope that the nature of this page is now a little more clear.

when i catch up, i may find myself re-engaging more, but youtube is permanently broken as a forum and i simply don't like reddit. we'll see what appears over time.

this page will never allow comments; it's not a forum.