Sunday, April 19, 2020

this show was on the third, and is a band that has played at the far bar a few times recently, in scenarios that made it hard to get to. i've tried to be constructively critical of this, because i think it's moving in the right direction, even if it's still a little too conservative for me - i'd like to see them open up a bit, and embrace a deeper level of experimentation, rather than merely seem like an experimental act on the surface.

but, this show was at the closest bar to the tunnel, so i probably would have gone...

they were on first.

i don't know how long i would have stayed for the headliner, who seem pretty boring:

this was a friday night, so i'd be stuck with a choice to find an after-party or head home early. as i'd have been so close to the tunnel, i suspect i'd have taken the early bus out, but we can't be entirely sure.