Wednesday, April 29, 2020

this is something else that i'm absolutely certain i checked out last summer, before their aug 11th show downtown, and i was sure i posted a review of. but, there's a dead spot here over that period that seems very wrong. so, did somebody delete a bunch of posts from this blog over the week of aug 2nd-9th, perhaps while i was gone over aug 9th/10th?

i also remember posting comments about the show i went to on the 9th that aren't there...


i've said this before: i could grasp the media-intelligence complex editing or censoring my politics, but i don't understand why they'd delete my record or concert reviews, unless they were trying to set me up somehow, in a way i don't really understand. why do things keep disappearing, then?

what i remember thinking at the time was that the record was moderately interesting, but kind of light - and that the show might be a little slower than i'd otherwise like. i think i might have said something about the political presentation being more effective if they could thicken the sound up a little, but also fully realizing that that might pull the rug out from under them.

it was the same night as cherubs, which i had scheduled over them, but i didn't make it out at all due to crawling home early that morning on a two-nighter. likewise, i doubt i'd have made it out to hamtramck on a random tuesday, this may.

as before, i'm feeling that the record is thematically interesting, if perhaps a little bit musically light. would i still like rem if they showed up as a new band nowadays? it's hard to say for sure. but, maybe i'd get more out of this by listening to it at home...