Saturday, March 21, 2020


sometimes, i listen to something like this a few times, and it just collapses into a stupid screamy fucking mess, and gets worse on each try, as the yelling consumes everything in it's path. sometimes, it reveals itself as little more than some jocks breaking shit and ends up being sort of comically stupid. other times, it kind of stabilizes, and more interesting passages open up out of the chaos.

i have to say that i could do without the growling. really.

but, this is a punk band. they're not trying to scare you, or prove how tough they are, they're just playing hard and loud. it's adrenaline, not testosterone.

it's a little outside of my sphere of interest, absolutely. and, i can't understand what they're saying and don't have time to look it up, or not yet, anyways. but, it's complex and intense enough that i can enjoy this, even if it's from somewhat of a distance.

that was the 27th in hamtramck, but it's cancelled.