Thursday, February 20, 2020

inri023 updated and tested

this is tested and working on the chromebook and on firefox on the windows 7 box.

what's in there, now?

- the 8 songs on the record
- cover.jpg & a jpg of the backsheet for cd-r printing (the insert for the spine)
- a playlist.m3u file stored as raw text
- a 72 page doc file of liner notes over the fall of 2013
- a 72 page pdf file (same)
- an instructions file
- inri023.html.7z.txt is a 1 mb document that must be renamed and unzipped and contains an html version of the liner note package, including an html5 player that can load the purchased audio in the browser.

the full download, in flac, is 155 mb.

there will be further updates to the liner notes as i run through the alter-reality, and as i run through the remastering period that took place over 2015-2016. but, this is likely the last major revision to this collection of glitch remixes from 1998, which is nearing a point of final completion.

it's time to stop to eat and shower.