so, the premise of bringing annie in to slap some sense into them is actually a good one, from my perspective.
i'm not really hearing her fingerprints, though. there's some kind of, like, pedestrian sequencer work, but there's not any intense orchestral programming, or any wacky guitar work. maybe even that's too much for some people, but it's really not much. to me, that is the disappointment.
i know a lot of fans are a little irked that the record is more "radio-friendly", but i never really interpreted them as some kind of an anti-commercial noise rock band or something in the first place - i'd argue they were always fairly radio-friendly, and that's the reason i could never really get into them in the first place. that's stasis, not a change.
so, i'm going to agree with the people that aren't liking this much, but for the opposite reason; if they do this again, i'd like to hear more input from annie clark.