actually, my perspective on dress codes is to request that you publish
them ahead of time so i know to avoid your party or establishment.
obviously, nobody likes meeting a bouncer that is going to refuse you
entry based on your clothing. it's a frustrating and embarrassing
situation for everybody. but, i'm not the kind of person that is going
to change my appearance to fit it, or want to spend time in a place that
enforces rules on what you can or can't wear. further, i fully reject
all kinds of hierarchy - i'm an anarchist. so, i'm not going to like the
people there any more than they're going to like me. the disinterest is
mutual. i do
not want to be at a party with a dress code.
if you publish it ahead of time, you can save everybody the hassle -
i'll go somewhere else. and, i can launch into an argument about
property rights, but it's ultimately inconsequential, in context. the
best outcome is that we avoid each other.
i'd just request that communication around the issue be upfront and clear, well ahead of time.