Friday, October 4, 2019

yeah, i'm doing this.

20:00-23:00 - prissy whip @ trumbullplex. $10
23:30-10:00 - marble show. $13.50 (if you get them soon, they've gone up twice).
11:00-13:00 - eat. $10
15:00-17:00 - beethoven's 5th @ dso. $15.
18:00-23:00 - post-rock show @ new dodge. $10.

that's a lighter night, actually - i'm starting off in the dance club, so i should have tons of energy.

i'll remind you that the last time i was at marble i'd already been out 24 hours before i got there, and i had those edibles, of unknown strength. even so, i wasn't drunk, so much as i was falling asleep.

i'm an empiricist. so, let's look at the data. for those that were eying me, is the following sequence of events not true?

- at a little after 2:00 am, before the vibert set started, i was out smoking in the back back near the portapotties, and somebody was like "vibert is playing", and i said "i want to finish my smoke", and then didn't actually finish it.
- during the set somebody mentioned that i looked "more than a little bit fucked up", which was no doubt true. i didn't have a mirror. i'll take them at their word. but o kept dancing.
- and i did try valiantly to dance, but i really was falling asleep.
- so, i went out back and enjoyed the ambient set, instead. and i did - it was a good set.
- several people gave me water, and i said no.

if i was black out drunk, or even just really shitfaced, i wouldn't have remembered any of that, would i? therefore, i actually wasn't that drunk. qed.

i was smashed. i don't deny it. but it was a lack of sleep combined with edibles. it wasn't the alcohol. i keep telling you i'm actually pretty good with the alcohol, and it's something else when i get spacey.

i should be back to my normal dancing self this week, and am actually going to be looking to make up for lost dancing during the vibert set.