Wednesday, October 9, 2019

yeah, i could easily find 200 better records released over the last ten years than this.

the only overlap i can see in this list would be st vincent, bjork, julia holter and aphex twin. i would probably only put st vincent in my actual list, but i can at least see the arguments for these. the aphex record didn't hold up as well as his previous work, and while i found vulnicra to be a better record than anything else by bjork in years, it ultimately didn't get over a bridge in abstraction that her best material does - it's an emotionally draining record, but it's not that abstract of one. regarding julia holter, i would probably pick an earlier record, or perhaps a few of them.

there's a second tier that i could throw arca, julianna barwick, fka twigs, jlin, grouper, burial, tame impala, flying lotus, ema, radiohead, m83, tim hecker, emeralds, opn, fennesz, nicolas jaar and 4tet in. these are maybe best placed in a top 1000 list or something; i could find 200 better records than this, and 200 more important records than this, though, easily. of that list, though, i would pull out arca as representing the decade's artistic flavour, at least.

the rest of this is mostly trash.