Wednesday, October 23, 2019

i've listened to their last two records a bunch of times now, and i actually kind of like this; it's maybe a more healthy rejection of christianity (or religion, generally) than some of the other things i've been bumping into recently from women of roughly the same age and from roughly the same place. and it's raw, i have to give it that. but..

...see i don't want to call it cringey, in context, because that's usually meant as a disincentive, and usually is, even when it's roughly in the same genre. if you're going to get cringey, you want to do it in a way that evokes some kind of pathos in the listener (and if you're doing this right, you know what i mean when i use fancy greek words like pathos), and the way it's usually done is to produce pity or scorn or even self-deprecating comedy (intentionally or not), so invoking the term "cringey" projects something that takes this down to a point that i'm actually trying to elevate it above. so, i might want to say something like that the records produce a level of discomfort, which is by definition uncomfortable, rather than suggest it's cringey, even if what i mean to say is that it's going to make you cringe. i hope i've got my point across with that.

i'm consequently a little apprehensive about actually showing up. i mean, what kind of debauchery is this, really?

i like it, though. even if i'd rather enjoy it from a healthy distance - both physically and intellectually.