Monday, May 6, 2019

whether you like this or not - and i think it's mind-numbingly stupid - the question of whether it ought to qualify for an artist grant or not can't be up for serious debate. it's objectively not very artistic; it's quite clearly designed to sell units on the radio by dumbing itself down to the lowest common denominator.

but, i mean, this isn't news. whatever used to exist of the grants system in this country has been long replaced by what is essentially a form of corporate welfare for the music industry. they may throw some money at things they consider to be legacy projects, like an attempt to prevent native american music from completely disappearing, and that has it's own value for what it is. but, what the system really does is operate as a research department for the major labels.

i'd rather see this kind of money go towards just about anything else, and let emi or sony or whatever fund this kind of trash on it's own. but, whatever.

i wouldn't have even mentioned this, otherwise; there's nothing worth mentioning about it.