Sunday, November 9, 2014

so, like.....every song is exactly the same algorithm of single phrase 4/4 loops building up until they just.....stop?

the limits of this technology are pretty apparent, which is why ideas like process music, strategies and frippertronics were developed. it seems kind of boneheaded to just ignore this in favour of doing exactly what the innovators dreaded would be done.

but, maybe it was inevitable. and maybe 95% of the hundreds of kids doing this (and there are hundreds of kids doing this, and there has been for years) don't know who steve reich was, anyways.

there's some alright ideas in here. it's a shame that he's using such a boring means of expressing them.

can you make an interesting piece of music by yourself in real time with nothing but a guitar, a loop machine and a bunch of effects pedals?


now, stop thinking you can.

Conor Chaney
You are really going after Dustin Wong

he was in town that week...