Sunday, October 19, 2014

i see that as i was able to expose their previous video as having fake hits and fake views they've put up a new one to circumvent my exposure. well, these are fake hits and fake views, too.

as i stated previously, the idea that fall out boy still has a large audience is too depressing to be possible - and therefore cannot be true.

it's also depressing to think that ontario tax money went into this. they're not even canadian.

also, what's with the suzanne vega sample?

like, while we're at it, why don't we buy j lo a new car?

i hope we're at least getting a cut of album sales, or they're sinking money into a social assistance program (or an artist's grant) or something...

or it could be because they're a hell of a lot better than most of the shitty pop music these days

how so? they're exactly the same thing as all the shitty pop music nowadays. in fact, they're largely responsible for the shitty nature of current shitty pop music.

Yes because you decide to is responsible for shitty pop music -_- forreal? Shitty pop was around far before FOB started making music.

i am the only music critic that matters. you can agree with me, or you can be wrong.

the particular style of shitty pop that fall out boy makes was essentially dead in 2003. they're responsible for resurrecting it.

Trevor Zohn
Can they fake all the people that go their concerts?

easily photoshopped. the labels are all about creating perceptions.

only critic i care about is me if i like it its good if some bastard in some magazine hates it who fucking cares 

that's the right attitude, but you still have to deal with the fact that you have a choice between agreeing with me and being wrong.

Sel cx
It's not photoshopped, I actually went to one of their concerts and it was huge. If you can show me facts instead of bias opinions then go ahead and talk. But you have no facts, and everything you say is biased so.

you're one of the lizard people, you can't be trusted. but there's something much deeper than meets the eye going on here, or i wouldn't be attracting lizard people to defend the conspiracy....