Thursday, September 25, 2014

you can't stop them. if the court stops them, they won't stop. if you vote them out, they won't stop. if we have a revolution, the new government will continue. so long as we have governments and we have technology, government will use that technology to spy on you.

that doesn't mean you should be complacent, or feel safe in the understanding that you're not carrying out crimes. what it means is that you should be vigilant in ensuring your privacy by taking personal action to protect it.

this idea that you can trust the government is pure idiocy. the laws have never been respected, they're just meaningless abstractions. so, stop being naive in thinking that the laws of the country mean anything at all and start taking greater control over your data.

the legal literature refers to this ridiculous idea that the government cares about it's own laws as "the rule of law" and claims our society is rooted in it.

an empirical analysis of western/european history since at least the industrial revolution suggests the exact opposite. our governments seem to have no respect for the "rule of law" at all, and essentially do whatever they want.

the idea that we have or can gain oversight over the state - and especially the deep state - is a lie. you can continue to believe these lies that keep the state in place, or you can reject them and adjust your existence to the reality - which is that the intelligence agencies in our culture are not subject to meaningful regulation or oversight.

(deleted response) 

what you can do is force them to be more secretive about how they do things.