Monday, September 29, 2014

nice to see this is getting some hits....

does anybody have an update on tim's status? i've never been clear on whether the heart attack story was legit or an ironic way to end his musical career.

Heart attack and a series of strokes. Devastating. Support Tim's care and rehabilitation with some lovely merch on Cardiacs website!

Big Dave
He's getting better but the stroke means he'll probably never play live again.

Philip Whitehead
If he could at least sing again it could bring the prospect of Cardiacs live but with someone else on lead guitar (Bic or Jon returning maybe?) but it still wouldn't be the same.

Big Dave
true but apparently his speaking voice is too quiet so he uses a pointer board. Neurological science is progressing phenomenally so hopefully Tim Tim may at least compose again. There'll be a queue of musicians waiting to play his material. We miss Tim. :(