Saturday, September 27, 2014

he should really have to pay twice the busfare if he's going to take up twice the space.

as it is, he paid for one seat and is consequently required to give the seat up to whomever requests it.

it's a nice try, but it's ultimately just yet another mra fail...

(deleted response)

it's first come, first serve. she paid, so she's entitled to the seat - so long as somebody else hasn't claimed it first.

there are a lot of larger people on the bus that are going to require multiple seats, and they should be paying for as many seats as they take up, as well. i don't really see what difference it makes if it's somebody's baggage or somebody's ass.

nor do i think the "social upheaval" here warrants any kind of punishment other than a stern talking to. it's clear that the guy doesn't at all understand that she is in fact entitled to a seat - and not due to her gender but because she paid for one.

(deleted response)

i wouldn't expect a judge to accept that argument. sorry.

Art V
As a 5'1 368 lb Strong Beautiful Woman, I find it highly offensive that you feel someone should pay twice as much if they take up twice the space. I am sick and tired of the media and "skinny is beautiful" lobbyists who feel the need to spread their fatphobic logic and hatred online by saying things like this...

Skinny is not beautiful but neither is fat. Are you healthy? Does the doctor say your are in good health? Honestly? You can be whatever weight you want and I hope you are happy but you cannot say that being 368lbs is healthy.

it's not a question of media images, it's just a fact that you need two seats.

can you provide me with a rational argument as to why you shouldn't pay for two seats if you actually require two seats?

fwiw, your offense is of no concern to me and will not have any effect on my opinions or the way i express them. if you're just going to complain that you're offended, and that's the extent of your argument, then you can kindly fuck off.