Monday, September 15, 2014

Why does this video have a comment section riddled with Religious flame wars? It's just astronomy, no blasphemy or bible bashing..,

it's probably because he's implying that the earth is more than 5000 years old.

the correct scientific answer is not atheism but agnosticism. we may conclude that the likelihood of a god existing is low, but the moment we make any declarations we're leaving science behind. we don't know, we can never know and there's no use in pretending otherwise.

what science can do is demonstrate that certain claims in certain texts are incorrect and in the process demonstrate that the texts are fallible. but this isn't testing the question of whether a god exists, it's merely testing the validity of scientific statements that appear in religious texts. in all fairness, the bible isn't really much worse than the works of aristotle - they're just wrong in different ways.

if you're arguing about claims, you're carrying on a meaningful discourse that can have a resolution. if you're arguing about the existence or non-existence of god, you're engaging in meaningless rhetoric that has no possible resolution.