Friday, October 4, 2013

first impressions on the new touche amore record

you can tell they used brad wood, as the sound is a lot brighter. it's a turn-off at first, but i'm getting used to it. i'm actually hearing what i'm interpreting as a weird influx of influence from charles spearin....

it's a more commercially viable record, and it gets a little too close to generic emo for me at points, but it still bites and it largely avoids the cheese that has bogged the genre down so badly. that's what attracted me to the band in the first place. it's like....they're walking back towards the point i was hoping the genre had left behind, but haven't gone so far that they're unlistenable.

yet. ?.

a haphazard review, yes. i'm missing the darker, more claustrophobic sound. yet, that's not to say i don't like brighter, more expansive punk, so it''s just going to take some time to form a stronger opinion.

yeah. this is sinking in well, especially through headphones. the lyrical continuity through the disc is also....funny thing is it's kind of exactly what i'm thinking about right now. this could become a sort of an important disc to me....

the shift to a more major-keyed sound is definitely impeding the record's passive re-listenability, though.
Ryan Whiteside
Music is phenomenal..vocals are meh....

Luke Blue
They took me time to ease into, but I love them now.

Cory Georgesen
For me it took a small bit of a connection to the music and sitting myself down to listen to the albums from start to finish. At that point I found myself hooked on the vocals.

i'm just curious if you're finding the vocals too aggressive or not aggressive enough? this kind of melodic hardcore is going to get criticized in both directions, but it's a bit curious to me that there's so much focus on it in the comments. is this coming from hipster kids that think it's too hardcore or metalcore types that think it's not heavy enough?

i'd argue he pegs it at just about the right level of intensity, while avoiding getting stupid about it. it's a balancing act that contemporary punk, as a genre, has a lot of difficulties with, in that it usually falls over rather heavily to the stupid side. from that perspective, his vocals come off as refreshingly honest. but, i mean, i get it if you want the contrived growling or those sugary screamelodies...

a comical video from an unknown bicyclist in new york that is protesting a stupid bylaw