Wednesday, July 10, 2019

in the end, my body made my choice for me.

that nap turned into a hard crash, and my eyes just got completely welded shut - i felt stoned, and in the bad lethargic way, where you just want to sleep for weeks at a time. yuck. i don't understand why anybody pretends to like that feeling - these people are addicted, and that's all there is to it.

the guy upstairs was gone for most of the last two weeks, and came back a few days ago. while he was gone, the air quality was actually quite nice. no second-hand tobacco, no second-hand marijuana. it did not take long for him to come back before the problem reasserted itself again, indicating that it's clear enough what the actual problem is.

again: i don't care what he does. i don't remotely care about him in any fathomable way at all. but, why would somebody sign a non-smoking lease and then smoke inside? it's completely baffling to me. and, it's completely baffling to me that he seems to actually have some kind of interest in smoking these highly sedative strains that make you feel like you smoked something laced with heroin.

so, i got knocked out by the second-hand pot from upstairs. again.

and, i'm consequently in for the night.

i could have maybe made it if i skipped showering and shaving, but i can't do that, i'd die of embarrassment if i ever showed up in detroit without shaving and somebody saw me. like, i'd probably start crying.

and, i'm really torn on this. i'm regretting the fact that i missed it, but i'm pretty sure i'd regret going if i actually did, too. i think i'm fucked either way.

i'm going to make some coffee and get back to what i was doing, if i can stay awake.

tonight might have been cool if the bus was running normal hours. it would have been an early run over, an early jazz show from about 20:00-22:00, and i could have maybe snuck in for the doom set at the phoenix up at tenth mile, before making it to trumbullplex for a drone set. sounds like a great night, actually, right? jazz, doom, drone - and a lot of biking. perfect.

that was my logic last week.

but, even if i were to hang out at the trumbullplex for a few hours, which happens sometimes, i'm still looking at a roughly five hour wait for the bus, overall. i'm going to inevitably end up back in the fucking diner....

normally, the bus would come a little after 1:00, and i could get from trumbull to the tunnel in around ten minutes. it would have actually been great timing. but, i'm not doing this a third time this week - not when i've scolded myself for it both times.

the jazz show is also going to be empty, sadly.

but, blame the construction.

i'm actually going to take a nap. there's an obscure chance i could wake up and change my mind, but i think i'm in.
speaking of which, do i really want to go to that jazz show tonight?

or would i rather hit we were promised jet packs and one of the late shows on friday night?
and, i actually would like to try to check this out some time, but i'd rather check it out early on a sunday morning in a crowded dance club downtown than late on a thursday night in an empty cafe on the outskirts of town.

you actually don't bump into interesting techno in detroit very often. when i first moved here, i checked out somebody called five star hotel a few times, who ended up moving to, i believe it was cleveland. very interesting stuff. but, he couldn't find an audience.

there's an off chance that i could get stuck in tonight via an unexpected rain storm, as we have high humidity right now. but, it doesn't actually really make sense, given i'd have to wait until 6:00 to get home.
i found her jazz work somewhat interesting, but this isn't doing it for me.