Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ok, maybe people are right. maybe if i'm going to post so much criticism i should post some stuff i like.

first, here's my cd list:

second, it's over here in timeline form:

third, here's a playlist with highlights that will grow as i work through the reviews:

i'm further going to mark my favourite discs as i go forward.

.....'cause it's good marketing. i'm not pretending otherwise. i enjoy the conversations i have, but the point is that people are supposed to click on the link and check out my music. maybe i should just shut up. but youtube's advertising model really doesn't make any sense, given that people  can post whatever they want right on the page (and that most people with a measurable quantity of brain cells use adblock).

about the best advertising i could pay for would be to interact with fans of records that have influenced me. that's actually not possible to buy, but it's certainly more meaningful than an annoying decal on the side that most people are going to literally or mentally block out.

then again, i'm certainly not the next katy perry. there's not really a way to mass market this stuff. it just has to somehow find the right audience.
the clinton segment of this is worth rewatching a few times. pegged it...