Friday, April 10, 2020

there were a few years in the middle of the 90s where i found myself with this absolutely pointless holiday in the middle of the spring (the most nefarious thing about easter is that you never know exactly when it is.) that i barely understood. was jesus a man or a god, and do you dumbasses believe in reincarnation or not...?

i mean, of all the dumb holidays. he died for my sins? really? what an arrogant fucking prick.

i developed a sort of tradition of blaring this through speakers around noon on good friday, because i was bored at home. the tradition is that you take the corpse of your god-man down around 13:00. so, i made sure that it was loud enough that any religious minded person in earshot could hear it, at that time.

i guess that, during the late 90s, i would often disappear on the thursday night to some basement or garage somewhere, to light blunts and play songs, and maybe i'd be back that weekend, and maybe i wouldn't. so, this pointless holiday that i barely understood all of a sudden became an excuse to get stoned for days at a time.

but, when the social media era clicked in, i moved the ritual online and started posting this on facebook every year.

i would encourage you to post this song somewhere today, and across the internet on all days where fictional religious characters of all faiths are said to have died, to the maximum annoyance of all religionists that continue to insist on the inherently sophomoric juvenility and childishness of faith.

today your god is dead,
and noone cares.