Thursday, April 17, 2014

obligatory "influential on song of the day" post.

well, it's a remix of it. there's a long story at the bandcamp page. short story: i know the track has a highly personal aspect to it and i'm sort of missing the point, but, after five years (which saw me go from pre-teen to young adult), i was expecting something a bit more substantial than a few power chords and some reverb floating around in the back, idiosyncratic verses or not. i'm not falling into the "writing for me" fallacy - i know it's absurd - but all the delays and marketing and projections of genius made it...

...anti-climactic. to put it lightly.

but i was encouraged by people at to remix it, and consequently took the position that the best thing to do would be to approach it's flaws, as i saw them. i didn't really want to reinterpret it outside of the context of the full record (which actually hadn't been released yet); rather, i wanted to exaggerate it to what i felt it could have been. so, it's the same basic concept, it's just taken to a greater extreme....

(relevant track: the day inri messed the world up)

no, you don't understand. this is what the cool people like. it says so in the title. it's a cool song. really. if you don't like it, you're therefore uncool. qed.

also, the barrett-goes-mopey thing was done to death in the late 70s. probably the best known act to develop out of the aesthetic is the cure, which is a more obvious influence - except robert smith would be loathe to release something this bland and boring.
well, i was going to say that this is evidence that the russians don't control the crowds.

that they're driving shit behind the scenes is totally fucking obvious.

....just like it was totally fucking obvious that western forces were running things in kiev.

i still can't fathom an actual invasion. and i still think they're wasting precious time. who controls a few factories in the east of ukraine isn't going to matter once those missiles are hovering over moscow.

conversely, if the americans are being smart about this, what they're doing right now is negotiating base rights in the baltics. and, indeed, where's mccain been over the last few days?

it's exciting footage and everything, and it's provocative to consider, but it's symptomatic of the horrifically shitty military tactics that have plagued the russians since....

....since stalin killed everybody that could have posed any threat to him, and centuries worth of russian military genius along with them.

they had me for a minute, they really did. i was thinking russian resurgence. but, this fool's errand is perhaps moscow's last hurrah, on the pivot of a historic shift in dominance in the slavic speaking world to nato-backed warsaw.

put bluntly: this is exactly what the americans wanted.

"imperial treachery!"

but it only works over and over, for thousands of years now, because the barbarians are idiots.

this could be byzantium tricking the bulgars into getting attacked from behind for the twenty-third (who is really counting?) time. are they *ever* going to figure it out? or is this worked into the unfolding of history?

second time as farce, ok. but this is more like being stuck on the wheel. egads....