Tuesday, March 17, 2020

you know what probably happened?

you've probably got dipshit donald calling trudeau up in a dejected rage, unable to even get boris johnson on the phone, and falling back on the only country that cannot and will not reject him, looking for some kind of ally in his attempt to blame the problem on foreigners.

and, we caved.

because we had to.

because nafta.

i can imagine it. trump looking for some kind of reassurance, somebody, anybody that will align in policy - trying to create a fortress north america, to wall itself off.

and, it no doubt came with a threat. because that's how you treat your friends, when you're america - you threaten them. canada can find itself in or out. 

so, we end up locked in the room with this contagious, dying patient that's running his mouth off and won't stop, because we know our finances depend on it....

how did we get ourselves into this?

and, canada?

how do we get ourselves out of it?