Tuesday, March 17, 2020

this study is backing up my point about the futility of mitigation. but, if mitigation is futile, surely suppression is even less likely.

i keep saying this, but you know what i actually get out of reading this? it's that capacity is way, way, way too low. 

these studies are all about how to reduce the case load to align with existing resources. they started with "flattening the curve", which was obviously naive, and which this study debunks. but, then they go back to suppression - having apparently forgotten that the whole reasoning behind mitigation was that suppression was seen as unrealistic.

i guess you need to let them work it out, because the bean counters are vicious, they really are. but, i'm telling you right now that the only way to deal with this is to get that red line up by increasing the system's capacity, and they're just wasting time trying to fuck with the curve.

you know what i'm reminded of? chamberlin trying to argue with hitler. you know what flattening the curve is? it's giving hitler austria, hoping that's enough. but, this virus won't stop at the sudentenland, and it won't stop in poland - it wants lebensraum, and it will keep coming.

we need to ramp up spending. and we need to stop wasting time arguing about it.