Monday, July 8, 2019

so, i kind of need to alter my initial analysis.

i thought i was dealing with a younger, unknown artist that was demonstrating a little bit of unrealized potential. but, it seems as though the potential was already realized on her previous records, and she's in a typically disappointing reinvention phase.

the potential i was hinting at is actually over here:

that's a much more abstract, interesting sound; if she can work a little bit more of that sound into her newer approach....

...but i think i kind of get that she's moving away from this sound because she wants to, too. it's not some kind of accident or something.

i want to be clear: i pointed out that the added depth on the new record separated it from most music in the genre, and that's a compliment, i just didn't grasp the actual, correct context. what i thought was a step towards something interesting is actually too small of a step; listeners have every reason to expect something more elaborate than that, and this hinted at potential is actually probably a bit of a disappointment for a lot of people.

that could still rectify itself.