Monday, July 8, 2019

my initial reaction to this was "ugh. one of those bands.", and this is certainly an overdone sound at this point that was never very interesting to begin with, but the track clicked in a split second before i got to the 'x', which made me give it a closer listen, and i do have to at least identify this as a little more interesting than it's contemporaries, even if it still pretty much sucks. the difference is mostly in the arrangements, which are a little more developed than i'm used to hearing in this genre. judging by the vocals, she's clearly a big belle & sebastian fan, even if she doesn't quite get to that level of detail, yet.

so, if you actually like this neo-hippie bullshit that's been floating around for a few years now, you might interpret this as brilliant. it's still not enough for me, though - she needs to find a way to get it up to the next level of intensity, and kind of get away from the cliches. but, if she were to do that, she'd probably lose her audience, right? it's kind of fundamentally the genre she's working in that's the problem - there's almost nothing you can do to unborify this broad style without escaping it altogether. the genre is pretty much designed to be boring, on purpose, and if you ignore that, people get excited and lose interest.

that said, it might also be the best show in detroit tonight. i shouldn't be wavering on this, but i suspect it might be worth attending...

see, there's legit potential here.

and, the funny thing about the tunnel being closed right now is that the outer limits makes more sense on a monday night than something close to downtown does.