Tuesday, September 9, 2014

it's not that bad, really - i was expecting far worse - except that it's plodding and boring. kind of like every other flaming lips record tends to be.

when belle & sebastian did this, they tended to integrate much more defined dynamics, which pushed the tracks forward a lot more effectively. i've gotta argue that you really are going to basically require acid to get anything out of this. and, that's unfortunate. drugs can make good music better, but good tunes really don't need them to get the tracks off the ground.

I definitely agree with you. Lets admit, yeah it has a catchy verse chorus but when I listen to Belle & Sebastian compared to ariel pink there's definitely more to listen to. But I do like the recording quality on this song. 

it's not catchy, it's dead; it's aiming for carefree, and nailing strung out.

you just don't hear the subtleties that make this amazing.

i think what i'm trying to point out is that there aren't any subtleties. so, maybe you're right, then - maybe i can't hear them. but they must be incredibly subtle, because i'm usually pretty good at that....

maybe that's what hipster subtlety is all about.

so subtle you can't hear it with the naked ear.

wait! wait! i get it! that's what those glasses are for, right? so you can see the subtleties in the waveform, when analyzed in a wave editor. then, with your superhuman vision, you can abstractly reconstruct the aural subtleties and think them into existence when you're listening.

that must be the reason the rest of us don't get it. maybe i should invest in a pair of those glasses....

Dirk Diggler
lol... It must suck to pay such close attention to music that you don't like. I'm sorry.

i do it for the kids, they need guidance and historical context.