Wednesday, August 27, 2014

i thought she did acoustic music?

and, surely, she can afford to eat?

this actually could be a fairly interesting pop song, but that hook is just mercilessly drilled in without much development....

i know, i know. i'm asking a lot. i'm just used to my big band pop more in the over-the-top style of peter gabriel or bjork.

no, honestly.

somebody tell taylor to get this into the hands of an over-the-top remixer. fuck, i'll do it.

that's a serious offer.

Lily N
My daughter is as skinny as Taylor and trust me.. she eats.. tons. Not everyone has the same body type. No matter the age, some people are just thin or other sizes.

is she keeping it down? i'm extremely thin myself, but there's a point where you're dealing with body types and a point where you're starving yourself.

i'm not really interested in criticizing the woman. that's not my point. the makeup is masking it a bit, but she really looks like she's not getting enough calories or is burning too many off. do i hope she deals with it? sure. but i'm actually more concerned about the messaging...

James M
Ever heard of fast metabolism???

sure. i have one myself. i can't go more than an hour after a meal without ejecting a substantial amount of matter.

but that's a level of thin that transcends a fast metabolism.

I'm sorry I didn't realize that you oversee Taylor's diet. How are you going to automatically know what she eats just by looking at her. I'm a thin person too that eats a bunch of food. It's not that uncommon...

well, obviously i have no idea what she eats - i'm just pointing out that it's blatantly clear that she's either not eating enough of it or she's spending too much time in the gym.

eating disorders are very common. by denying the obvious, you're not helping.

Does it really matter what she eats? Should we care? Shouldn't we just pay attention to he music and not her body size?

I thought she looks a lot skinnier in this..don't want any hate I'm just giving my opinion.

well, there's a lot of literature that suggests that these kinds of images are the cause of eating disorders, and they're probably what started them in taylor, herself. i can't think of any way to break the cycle other than to point it out.

loudly. and repeatedly.

it might put her in a bit of an awkward position, but nobody says "think about the heroin addict's feelings". people say "this person needs help". you people have your priorities fucked up.

wait wait wait. i think i get it.

taylor is a celebrity, and you right fucked americans worship your celebrities as superior beings.

so, she can't have an eating disorder. that would suggestion an imperfection within perfection, which is a contradiction in terms. qed.



it's in front of your faces, and the more you deny it, the more you perpetuate the cycle.

taylor needs help, not denial.

So cute you care

Meghan S
its called keeping fit....

no. that's beyond a fitness regimen. her bones are jutting out of her neck and shoulders....

(deleted response)

when your bones are sticking out, that means you're emaciated. you could even use that as a working definition of emaciated, although it's not quite technical enough for more general use.

there's a lot of reasons you shouldn't eat burgers. i cheat sometimes, but it's pretty rare. not the burger - that's even more gross.

you shouldn't stand up for your emaciation, you should realize you have a sickness that will likely cut your life short rather substantially and is deeply fucking you up on a hormonal level, which may have very negative effects on your ability to breed, amongst other things.

(deleted response)

emaciation is not "just skinny".

see, this is why we need to have a discussion on the topic. media portrayals of women have created an entire culture of people that think bones sticking out of their skin is a natural consequence of high metabolism, part of being "fit" or "just being skinny". it's been completely normalized.

i also want to point out that informing an obese person of their obesity and trying to convince them to take steps to better their health is in no way rude, it's putting the pressure on them that they need to change their diet and habits.

cassie jenkins
true but don't make fun of her

if i'm going to make fun of somebody, it's almost always going to be related to their intelligence and absolutely never going to be connected to their physical appearance.

i actually think this is the first taylor swift song i've ever heard. i don't have the slightest idea of whether she's worth making fun of or not.

i was really attracted to the horns, and think the track needs a remix to make it a bit more interesting. pop music has been so boring for so long now, it was just nice to hear a glimpse of something a bit more developed. but this has a long ways to go before it gets there.

(deleted response)

yes, i realize that obese people know they're obese, but the strongest and most preferable form of group coercion for the common good (which includes minimizing waste of health care resources) is peer pressure. peer pressure is preferable because it is a positive type of coercion and isn't hierarchical (and consequently isn't bullying). this is what is called an anarchist approach to social control.

the other two solutions are the authoritarian approach of refusing them treatment (i don't like that one) and pretending that resources aren't finite (this is the existing status quo of delusional liberal capitalism that you're all taking for granted, the one that assumes unending growth curves and infinite resources and assigns access in a hierarchy based on wealth).

cassie jenkins
that's ok you don't have to i'm just saying i do .

well, if it makes you feel better about yourself....

i mean, at the end of the day, making fun of people to make themselves feel better is the only thing that bullies have.

it's sort of cruel to take that away from them.