Tuesday, June 10, 2014

so, this guy is now a full fledged superstar and not a fleeting trend?

i grieve for the world.

also, didn't snoop dogg change his name to something about a lion? he sounds hungover, alright.

also also i think beck wrote this c. 1996.

That is just his reggae side project, he will always be Snoop Dogg, try to be a happier person.

"happiness" is a type of fraud, perpetuated entirely by people trying to sell you something.

So you are saying happiness cannot exist outside of a capitalistic society?

i really don't need to be anti-capitalist regarding this topic. i think you'd see the same bullshit if you went to cuba. it might even be worse. the point is that happiness doesn't really exist.

He's been popular in Korea for over 15 years...

nobody cares what's popular in korea.

Charizard Fire blast
I feel really bad for your life :(

lol. no. it's emancipating to free yourself from the illusion of happiness. buddhists have silly names for getting past the epiphany, but it's really just a question of coming to terms with the fact of your own mortality.

you, too, will die a horrible death after living an entirely meaningless life. it's true. you can go pretend you don't know that by spending your time drunk and falling over or you can grow up to the point where you're able to deal with it, shrug it off and make the best of what you've got.

part of that process of maturation is realizing what is a media illusion and what is reality. "happiness" is just a lie to sell you shit.

Tian Zhang
Guess you don't listen to Koop then

koop isn't my thing, no, although i don't know why it's topical. regarding nordic techno, i'm more into stuff like supersilent.

Sphintus Carmen
i kenw your profile picture just screamed Emo but that just comfirms it

i'm more of a surrealist, or perhaps an existentialist, and maybe even a little bit of a buddhist in some ways. emo is very much the opposite of this.

in terms of media stereotypes, 'beatnik' fits better than emo. and they're really not very similar.