Sunday, May 18, 2014

courtney hits midlife crisis. which is probably good news, actually. maybe she should call some of her friends up and convince them to go into midlife crisis, too.

the whole idea of midlife crisis has always struck me as sort of backwards. i mean, we spend roughly 30 years defining who we are, then toss it in the trash to conform to some bullshit abstract idealization of what society expects us to be and that's supposed to be some kind of progress in repressing our individualism or something? then, when we connect with who we actually always were, it's presented as some kind of regression? fuck that. if there's any period in our lives that should be called a "crisis" it ought to be the period in the middle when we're trying to run away from ourselves, and the end to that period of crisis ought to be when we finally look ourselves in the eye and realize we always were what we always knew we were in the fucking first place.

or maybe there's a 90s revival happening. who knows.

i like the energy, but it seems a tad contrived. all peaks, no valleys. it'll go over well in a live context, though, and that's probably more important.

and her voice really does sound great, considering what she's put it through.