Tuesday, December 22, 2020

i've been keeping an eye on liturgy for a while, and expected a record to eventually be produced that was something i could actually listen to. i don't exactly want to say i had a muted respect from a distance, because i can't even pretend to like the religious themes, but there was always enough in each successive fail to warrant giving the next one a shot.

while this is a dramatic step forwards towards legitimate listenability, it's also, in truth, little more than a series of dramatic crescendos, interspersed with a bunch of aimless cadences. it's the kind of thing that hipsters that don't actually know anything about music fall over themselves over, but real music nerds tend to snicker at. every generation has a few of these types that sincerely seem to want to get there but just never do.

i'm going to give it a few more tries, but, despite the major step forwards, it seems that there's just really not much here besides aimless pomp. & we'll see what happens next time....