Monday, May 25, 2020

this is something i put aside a few months ago, and that kept getting lost in computer crashes. i'm finally giving it a listen...

as somebody with a distinct interest in industrial music, i'm finding this sort of double-edged. it doesn't always hold up to it's potential, but when it does it often transcends the original recording. i guess you have to be approaching it from a certain mindset to even begin to try and get your head around something like this, and that's probably not feasible for their entire fan base, but it probably is for enough of it, and it really is a treat if you can do it.

there were complaints when the record was released that the vocals were mixed down or even almost out; on this collection, there's a tendency to focus on the vocals to the exclusion of the other instruments in a way that delves into very abstract hip-hop, or even some devotional music (even if so much of it ends up sounding vaguely like tool in it's more reflective moments, except without the repetition and cliches). that is something that a lot of long term fans should be ecstatic about, if they can get out of their emo shells - which they should be more than old enough to do at this point.

but, this is a thick record with many layers to uncover and that you simply need to spend some time with, so it's going to take a while to see if it can climb it's way into the same heady place i hold records like further down the spiral in. it very well might.

for you, i'd say it's worth a try, at least - if you dare.