Friday, May 22, 2020

i've spent some time listening to this today, and while i must point out that mammatus clearly fear satan, i also have to report that i'm just not getting into this like i did their previous work. this isn't the first attempt, and i think maybe it's time to give up.

it's not exactly because it's a little slower moving, it's more along the lines of that they didn't really pull the slower-moving thing off so well. it drags in a lot of ways that their previous work largely avoided. when it clicks, it clicks, but you don't really gain anything from the disc that you didn't have previously in their existing work.

this is a talented band that is doing something with almost no commercial potential and is essentially scraping by for the love of it, which is what i want to hear. i hope that they continue to compose and release in the future. but, this is not their most compelling work.