Saturday, May 2, 2020

i can be fairly sure that this dvorak concerto wouldn't be in the short list. dvorak is somewhere between brutal chromaticism and schmaltzy classical music, in a way that has rarely excited me, even if i suspect there's a few pieces out there of his that i'd really like, and haven't found, yet. so, i tend to keep trying, but it never works out...

this piece, however, reminds me a lot of this one:

enough to wonder.

certainly, that is the kind of thing i'd like to hear from dvorak. if you want to help, you know my email address.

a word of caution: you need to be careful with this. i've heard far too many versions of this that play like it's some kind of hymn; doing this right requires so much tension that your blood vessels should be bursting, on the spot.

you get the release in the end, trust me - it's the second movement, which is so much less without the banging start.

this is the version i'm most familiar with:

nice music is so much nicer as release, isn't it?