Saturday, May 23, 2020

he actually threw me off a little by claiming these were old recordings, something i'm not convinced is actually true. but, what exactly is going on with son lux recently? did the label shut him down, or what? something seems to be not quite right, and he just doesn't have the personality of a trent reznor.....he won't stand up and yell and scream about it....

all the artists and bands i like get dropped. and people wonder why i don't want to get signed.

it's actually relatively strong; it sounds less like it's unfinished, and more like it's mildly unfocused, but that's not exactly a bad thing. it might be a little ironic, but the band concept was perhaps a little too controlled - this is a little looser, and breathes a little more clearly. that slow build on whispering, for example. further, the fact that there's no obvious attempt at a hit single actually makes the record flow a little better.

i feel we've only hit the tip of the iceberg with ryan lott, that he has a lot more to offer, but he needs to embrace the inherent obscurity in being creative rather than get discouraged by a lack of commercial success, and that's maybe harder said than done. let's hope he doesn't pull a peter gabriel and just evaporate....