Wednesday, April 22, 2020

so, i've spent some further time sorting through bent knee's discography, and i'm ultimately going to need to step away from it - for now.

there's a certain level of subtlety to the music, but they very rarely actually do much with it. there's moments, segments, but it just doesn't transcend from the slightly interesting to the truly compelling. they might get there in time, but the general impression i'm feeling is that it's a little too buttoned up, a little too sterile at the expense of emotional investiture. it happens when people get overeducated; it's a common problem with prog. but, this isn't prog, it's alt-rock, and that's a little less common.

this is perhaps a high point, because it lets loose a little in a way that they'd be advised to emulate more frequently.

they may get over a hump, eventually. not yet...