Thursday, March 19, 2020

the last few weeks have been unfocused.

i'm about to hunker down and try to get myself back into a normal focus on rebuilding the blog in the face of weeks of canceled shows, so i guess i'll be reviewing things that i wish didn't get canceled.

i have one more month left...

i'm not happy about this, and strongly disagree with the authoritarian response. the closest thing to a science-literate response that i've seen up to now has been from the united kingdom, which got pummeled by the hysteria of it's own voters, and had to relent in the face of public ignorance.

but, there are mandatory event closures on both sides of the border, and the border itself is closed. i can complain, and i can offer rational critiques in the face of irrational policies, but i can't do anything about this but sit inside and cry about it.

so, get ready for some bittersweet reviews for what was left of march and probably for most of april.

april was stacked, too.

this legit sucks :(.