Wednesday, March 4, 2020

so, if i go to the jazz show, i'm going to be sitting nicely, in a behaved space for a few hours, and then come home. 

if i go to the funk show, i'm more going to an actual party.

the steve hackett show is $60 cdn, minimum, and i'm....i can watch it at home. it's a dad show....really....

i'm waiting on answers regarding set times, but this is what i want to do:

1) talking ear @ cliff bell's, 20:00-21:30 - first set.
2) take the bus to royal oak for roughly 10:00 and hopefully catch the last two acts, sunsquabi and the floozies. i want this to go late - until after 2:00.
3) get something to eat. it's a thursday, so i don't expect to find an after party. but, the bus runs all night, now. so, i can make my way back to detroit for the morning.
4) the beethoven concerto is running at 10:45 in the morning.
5) go home, shower, sleep.

i may then follow that up with a friday night funk show with headliners dizgo, at tangent. this will also require a late night, but i can take the early morning bus back on saturday.

this might not work, scheduling wise. but, i'd rather go party than go sit in a jazz bar....