Saturday, March 14, 2020

so, i made a choice to wait until i got back from the concert on thursday night before i reimaged the machine, because i figured i'd have to do it again anyways.

i have eaten well since i got back, in case i picked anything up. i'm mildly hungover, and have produced some watery bowel movements, but i'm willing to blame it on the alcohol; i don't feel sick.

i did communicate with the divisional court, and they've informed me that the motion has moved to an administrative judge due to my complaint. they didn't send me anything regarding this. but i was instructed to call back on monday.

i don't expect to leave the house at all for the next 6 or 7 days, so let's hope i can get some work done this week.

and, let's get started on the reimage.

my bios looks clean, at least.