Monday, March 2, 2020

i'm really having a hard time planning this out. really.

there's a live collaboration between lume (who i am familiar with) and rezn (who i am not) which seems like it's worth planning around, except that the actual documentation seems a little lacklustre:

the material at the rezn site is a little more intense in a psychedelic way:

lume is more of a post-hardcore type of thing; this record was produced by mike watt:

so, what is the actual show? are they going to do separate sets first, then combine for a track at the end? are they going to just do one combined set? surely it will be more than 20 minutes....

the weather is threatening to dip on friday night, and this is at the far bar, meaning i'm probably out for the night, and may be on foot if i decide it's too cold to bike in makeup. typing it out is reminding me that it's not really realistic. but i want to plan ahead nonetheless, because my thursday plans may depend on whether i want to go back out on friday night or not....

i'm going to listen to that rezn disc a bit more, but i'm considering this low probability, and that probably crosses the whole night out.