Wednesday, March 11, 2020

i've forced myself to listen to a fair bit of deafheaven over the years, without ever really being able to get into it. if i'm going to approach this from any perspective, it's actually as a sonic youth fan; if i'm going to like anything about this band, it's those dissonant, branca-esque guitar parts riffed out at 300 bpm. and, i could get into something like a black metal take on new york city ghosts + flowers.

this seems more like they're trying to move into the contemporary pop-prog space that something like between the buried and me are in, by bringing in more and more references to gazey post-rock. the result is big, but it isn't very elaborate, and it's not very epic, either - meaning it doesn't end up very compelling.

they could salvage this by upping the intensity significantly. as it is, it's actually kind of boring....