Wednesday, February 19, 2020

i'm not suggesting that we all ought to go back to the dark ages...

....but, i've said this before: the similarities between indigenous europe and indigenous america are actually pretty startling, and there's actually kind of a powerful potential for a hybrid culture if our own tendency towards this kind of post-reductionist scientific atheism hybridizes with their own emancipation of the superstitious into the ecological.

the truth is that we used to be just like them, actually, and that they can teach us how to get back to what we were, as much as we can teach them to evolve out of their shells.

we got off to a bad start. but, a few centuries is a short period, in the broader scheme of things.

i'm going to flip through this tonight while i wait for my neck to heal. it doesn't seem to be bruised, just very stiff.