Monday, February 24, 2020

i've heard of this artist before, but was never particularly impressed by them, rather filing it in a kind of large pile of artsy techno that really only exists on an aesthetic level, and falls apart under any sort of scrutiny.

it's apparently been a while, and half of the project has died in the period since the last release, making this a fundamentally different thing altogether.

i noticed some time in the mid 10s that the technology had gotten over a kind of a hump, and if you were on the other side of it then you'd interpret legacy electronic music as sort of primitive. that seems to be the biggest difference i'm immediately noticing - the primary artist involved in this process has allowed a full embrace of newer technology to dramatically alter the sound, and i'll at least give him a thumbs up for that. i'm always an advocate of pushing the technology forwards, rather than getting stuck with it in the past.

but, if the issue with telefon tel aviv all of those years ago was that it just never broke through the aesthetic, that it never got to anything substantive underneath the effects work, then the same fundamental flaw continues to exist.

this is a great producer that doesn't know how to write compelling songs, which has been the fundamental truth for many years.

i'm still thinking about it on friday, though.