Monday, February 10, 2020

actually, it's worth ruminating a little on this idea that the weapons are directed at iran, and how the empire has used that claim in the past.

so, when the americans put these missiles in boats around the north and black seas, they had the nerve to claim they were putting them there to protect eastern europe from iranian missiles. the north sea is a funny place for an interceptor system to protect germany from iran, don't you think? and why are the missiles pointed at moscow, then?

likewise - as pointed out in the al jazeera report - the americans routinely justify deployment to the south china sea by claiming they're protecting the south koreans from the north koreans, but the chinese have tended to suggest that the target is actually them.

so, this is a longstanding tactic, actually, and i'll thank the talking head on al jazeera for reminding me of it.