Sunday, January 12, 2020

this is interesting in a purely nerdy way, but i don't hear any actual songwriting (it's more just somebody fucking around with natural reverb in a warehouse) and i'm not sure how interesting it's going to come off in a space that isn't the one it's been recorded in.

i've seen a few things like this recently, and, as mentioned, the idea is interesting, but i want to see somebody actually approach it as a design problem. i want to see the math presented as a score, xenakis-like. it's only once you've taken complete control of the space in this manner that you can present the outcome as a fully realized work of art.

and, then, i want to hear the result fully orchestrated in a way that is compelling as a standalone piece of music, rather than merely being presented as a gimmick to sell a composition that is otherwise not particularly interesting. 

with a space like this that has this kind of natural decay, you should have excellent voiceleading opportunities, to build to ridiculous crescendos and cadences. that this is being ignored for some twiddly melodies and some busted-over counterpoint is a squandered opportunity.