Friday, January 3, 2020

maybe the irony is that the revisionist rose-coloured sunglasses that so many young people see the 60s through were actually manufactured in the 90s. probably in china.

the 60s were a period of repression and violence. they killed all the civic leaders. they opened fire on children that were protesting on campus. in the end, almost nothing changed. the evidence hasn't been put down the memory hole altogether, but contemporary recollections in the form of books and songs seem to have been superseded by popular revisionism that was first developed in the 90s, mostly in the form of films.

you could listen to a neil young record from the period to get a basic handle on it.

but, it's really zappa that gives you the most realistic analysis.

"i will love the police as they are beating the shit out of me"

but, read chomsky. generally.

check out zappa's freak out. it was the most important thing that happened those years....