Friday, December 27, 2019

well, ok.

there's a little bit of raunchy noise on the newest blanck mass disc.

but, it's scattered, and short-lived, and the end result is just not satisfying. i don't see why i should have to sit through 6 or 7 or whatever minutes of sappy dance club bullshit to get to thirty seconds of cacophony at the end. just bring the anarchy from the start.

it's not that the juxtaposition isn't welcome, either, it's that it's not really working. the gentle arpeggiation in the sixth track is one of the most interesting parts of the record, but you want it to blow up into an aural catastrophe that kills your brain cells; instead, it opens up into a boring techno-pop thing that meanders for a few minutes before shutting itself off. there was great promise there, but it was totally squandered.

i'm sure the show was enjoyable enough, in the presence of enough drugs. but, the frustration is longstanding and palpable. i don't know who he thinks wants to listen to this.