Saturday, December 28, 2019

this carries on with the theme i pointed out a while back of mixing classical music with technology, which i will repeat is the idea underlying the music of the post rock music era that we're living through, but, as was the case with the fka twigs disc, and the holly herndon disc, and to a lesser extent the floating points disc, this is fundamentally still bad pop music that is perpetuating bad mainstream cultural ideas.

i like the fact that we're seeing a new generation of artists that is less afraid of exploring actual musicianship than the last one was. this is, in some ways, a movement in the right direction. but, i've still heard these songs before - it's still not getting over the basic problems of sameness and conformity within pop culture, which is what i really want to get away from.

and, the lyrics are terrible.

maybe 2019 is shaping up to be a crossover year, where there's not much worthwhile in and of itself but the ideas have been put in place for something more substantive in the years to come.

in terms of pure pop, these records i'm drawing attention to are substantively better than the pop of the last roughly twenty years, but this movement that's afoot does not appear to be ripe, yet. let's hope it gets there.